

元ストリートチルドレンからのメッセージ street child wrote about herself, Cebu, Philippines.


その女性が自身の身の上と今の気持ちを書いたものです。すこし長い英文ですが、そのままご紹介します。 誤字脱字ご容赦ください。個人情報の部分は変更しています。



きっとMiss AGも最後まで大学を続け、仕事に就いて少しづつ家族の生活を良いものにしていくのでしょう。家族の絆と強い意志には頭が下がる思いです。



I am AG, a 20 years old young lady who is now in 2nd year college taking the course of Bachelor of Science in Social work (BSSW) at University of Cebu Main Campus.

My life started in street, yes exactly in street! I am a street children before without ambition to get in college because my overview in life is how to live in the difficult situation which is living in street.

I experienced a lot of struggle in life. To be in street I used to eat food that I don’t own or a food from garbage, I became beggar to every person passing by in front of me, I collect any kind of garbage as a exchange of money and I ride jeepneys or in the middle of street to do caroling, all of this is my way to have money to buy my needs especially food.

When do I started being a street children? Since 2000 which is the day I born. My parents doesn’t have permanent work and they always have fights due to financial problems sometimes every fights they have will lead to separation again and again but I used to understand the situation since they always do that.

When I am in grade school up until junior high school l I have no proper school supplies to use.

Every time I am in school I got a lot of fights with my classmates or schoolmates because of my situation and they always bully me about being a street children that’s why I hate school before.

Instead schooling I choose to have cutting classes and go to street to do the stuff that I used to do which is to do caroling, beg to people or either getting a garbage as a exchange of money.

Sometimes I get jealous of what life I have than other children and I question God and even my parents why we have this kind of life.

In all the calamities passed by years ago we are on street it’s either a typhoon or earthquake. I remember the day when there is a big storm or typhoon landing in Cebu I am afraid on that time because all of our clothes and even our small shelter destroyed by it.

We run from a close bank so that we would not get wet by the rain and the only thing we have is our self. It was night and we supposedly go to bed to sleep but it opposite we are awake while just sitting until the rain will stop.

I got a miserable life and sometimes I think to give up my dreams but my mother let us go to school despite of our situation.

By the year of 2012 our life is step by step changing there is a nun and priest came to our place to give food and medicine for the street dwellers.

There was a time that a nun which is sister Ewa ask me if I want to go in school, I was speechless and scared by that time cause I am afraid that maybe they are strangers who wants to get me.

But I was wrong they ask me a scholarship for me to have a proper education and they give us our basic need for us to live. By that time I started to go BS because there was a free food in that place and we can take our bath too.

And that’s the time I meet kuya D, kuya d and specially Mr. M who is part of SLPC family I got to know some Japanese friends and they are kind they give me a help for my studies since being in senior high school up until college is very expansive in payments. SLPC family gives a important role also in my life they do whats the best thing for me to be in school.

They just not help me from financial or school problems but they let me experience adventure which is going to beaches or other restaurants.

Being in SLPC family leads me to be strong women because they don’t want to let me feel alone.

Right now I am near in achieving my dreams because of the people who help me.

College days may not be easy but because of the people who is supporting and never tired in helping me I will be strong to pass all of the difficulties in my studies.

This is AG and proud to say that “ Poverty is not a Hindrance to success”.
